Saturday, April 3, 2010

How to get a List of All Blog Posts on Blogger

Blogger offers several feeds for blog posts by default:

1. - the old address for Blogger's ATOM feed
2. - the address for Blogger's RSS feed
3. - the full feed
4. - the summary feed

My requirement was to publish a complete list of all my blog posts on a "Site Table of Contents" (or a site directory) page. The problem is that the default full feed ( does not really return a feed of all the posts. It usually returns only a handful of recent posts.

The trick that I found to get the complete list of posts was to append "?max-results=1000" (you can change the number '1000' to any number of your choice) at the end of the feed address. Your complete feed address would look like this:

With the above feed address, you should be able to get a feed of all the blog posts. It worked very well for me. Let me know whether it worked for you.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

URL Redirection with eNom

If you have registered a domain name with eNom, and want to redirect a domain to , then follow these instructions:
  1. Log into eNom's DNS Console for
  2. Under the "Host Records" section click the "Edit" button.
  3. Update: Delete all rows (if any) with Host Name as "@" or "www" (without quotes)
  4. Click "Save"
  5. Click the "Edit" button again.
  6. In the edit mode, click "Add New" to add a new row.
  7. Add the following in the new row:
    • Host Name: @
    • Address:
    • Record Type: URL Redirect
  8. Add another new row with the following entries:
    • Host Name: www
    • Address:
    • Record Type: URL Redirect
  9. Click "Save".
That's all there is to it. After a few minutes, should automatically get redirected to .